How Is Rum Made
Take a deep-dive into the rum making process to discover its journey from sugarcane fields to your glass.

Sugarcane juice, cane syrup, or molasses? While, everything begins with sugarcane, what your rum is made from will greatly affect the flavours you find within. Here we look a little closer at sugarcane, as well its three major by-products that are used for distilling rum.

Naturally occurring wild yeasts or secret cultured strains? Open or closed fermentation? 24 hours or three week ferments? Dunder and muck, or keep it clean? Discover how fermentation plays a pivotal role in rum flavour profiles.

Most spirits are made in either copper pot or column stills. But the rum world opens this up with wooden stills, double retorts, batch stills and more. Discover the various distillation methods used around the world, creating a multitude of different rum styles.

Unaged or Aged? Tropical, Dynamic, or Continental? Whether or not your rum is aged, and where you age it, all have a significant impact on the final flavour of the rum in your bottle.

Pot & Column blend? Soleras, cask blends, or a blend of different countries? A rum blend can have many different connotations, and here we look at the most common variations you are likely to come across.