Our Journey

Our Journey


These flagons laid virtually untouched until the bottling of Black Tot Last Consignment in 2009.

Our journey with Black Tot began when our founder, Sukhinder Singh, tracked down the last known remnants of the historic Navy Rum blend. After Black Tot Day in 1970, the remaining rum was stored in stone flagons and locked away in the Navy Victualling yards. These flagons, each 1 imperial gallon (4.55L), contained the only true bottling of Navy Rum still in existence. Over the years, these old supply depots were cleared and the flagons made their way around the world, some sought out by sailors missing their daily tot, while others were locked away by private collectors and others who could only guess at the true depth of the historic blend contained within.

After tracking down the surviving flagons across several years, a portion of these flagons were blended together and bottled - with the rum itself coming in at 54.3% ABV - a mere 0.2% shy of the original Navy Issuing Strength. This historical blend was bottled in 2010 to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Black Tot Day, and named ‘Black Tot Last Consignment’.



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